
I started taking pictures in the late ’60s, photographing the bedroom community of Fort Lee, NJ, forays into New York City, camping in the Catskills, family vacations in Europe and bicycle trips to Cape Cod, Canada and Mexico. My first camera was a Minolta SRT 101 with a 50mm lenses. This was gradually replaced with a string of Nikons and Nikkor lenses ranging from 20 to 400mm – my go-to lenses were the 24 and 105mm.

Graduating from Fort Lee High in ’73, I went to the University of Colorado in Boulder studying photography and art. I spent my junior year traveling across North Africa to photograph Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, then began exhibiting my work which led to one-man and group shows in the US and Europe. My equipment list expanded to include a Graflex 4×5 Field Camera.

Moving back to New York City in ’79, I assisted commercial photographers then opened a studio with friends in the garment district, later moving to my own studio in the meat packing district. Photography assignments included editorial for The New York Times, Forbes, A Day in the Life, Connoisseur, NJ Monthly; and corporate for General Motors, AT&T, Manufacturers Hanover, NY Fashion Week, Jamaican Tourist Board. I added a Hasselblad system to my Nikons and Graflex.

In the early ’90s, with the births of my daughters, my career shifted to design – less travel and more consistent income. I became the design director at an ad agency in NYC, then moved to Boulder as the creative director at a PR agency.

In ’01 I launched my own design firm, which continues today. I now shoot with a digital Leica and my ever-present iPhone.